



Cliff Pickover's Interesting Sites

I have since collected thousands of sites in The Pickover Report. I suggest you visit this page for the most comprehensive list.

Below are some other links I enjoyed over the years.

Meta is an edited, moderated, and public listserv dedicated to promoting the constructive engagement of science and religion and to sharing information and perspectives among the diverse organizations and individuals involved in this interdisciplinary field.

YLEM - artists using technology (I belong to this great organization.)
The SETI League (I also belong to this great organization.)
Time Travel
Nikola Tesla
Recreational Math
Interview with Cliff Pickover
The Internet Directory of Published Writers
Art & Science Collaborations, Inc.
DejaNews Research Service - query form
Bartlett, John. 1901. Familiar Quotations
Welcome to Books!
The Electric Postcard
Future Fantasy Bookstore - Home Page
Celebrity Addresses
CV of Yulia E.Kushnareva
ARTFL Project: ROGET'S Thesaurus Search Form
Ask Dr. Neutrino
The laws list
The AMY project attempts by physics experiments alone to discover whether the world is a dream or not!
Come with us and explore the Voynich Manuscript, the most mysterious book in the world written in an unknown language. Can you decipher it? Come with us and explore Nick Day's strange puzzles. Let's learn more about Dana Scully of the X-files and see pictures of her.

Return to my home page which includes the Wishing Project, computer art, educational puzzles, fractals, virtual caverns, JAVA/VRML, alien creatures, black hole artwork, and animations.