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From Olbers' Paradox to Schrodinger's Cat!

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The Physics Book: From the Big Bang to Quantum Resurrection

250 Milestones in the History of Physics

Clifford A. Pickover

High Praise for The Physics Book

"The Physics Book offers a thrilling, fast-paced excursion through the history of physical discovery, starting with the innovative tools developed by the ancients and ending with astronomy's farthest-reaching speculations about the final stages of the universe. Pickover's mesmerizing tales, accompanied by rich illustrations, offer tribute to the power of the mind to unravel the mysteries of the natural world. This fascinating chronicle of everything from silly putty to string theory represents a true garden of scientific delights!" -- Dr. Paul Halpern, author of Collider

"This beautifully illustrated, enthralling tour through the highlights of the science that brought us all our modern technology will surely delight and and inform the curious reader." -- Dr. Julien Clinton Sprott, author of Elegant Chaos

250 of the most intriguing physics milestones including:

Big Bang (13.7 Billion BC) * Sundial (3000 BC) * * Baghdad Batteries (250 BC) * Pulley (230 BC) * St. Elmo's Fire (78) * Aurora Borealis (1621) * Barometer (1643) * Newton's Laws of Motion and Gravitation (1687) * Ben Franklin's Kite (1752) * Black Holes (1783) Olbers' Paradox (1832) * Fiber Optics (1841) * Baseball Curveball (1870) * Incandescent Light Bulb (1878) * X-rays (1895) * Tsiolkovsky Rocket Equation (1903) * Superconductivity (1911) * General Theory of Relativity (1915) * Schrödinger's Wave Equation (1926) * Neutron (1932) * Schrödinger's Cat (1935) * Little Boy Atomic Bomb (1945) * 1947 Transistor * Radiocarbon Dating (1949) * Parallel Universes (1956) * Dark Side of the Moon (1959) * Quasars (1963) * Cosmic Microwave Background (1965) * Newton's Cradle (1967) * Quantum Computers (1981) * Buckyballs (1985) * Hubble Telescope (1990) * Stephen Hawking on Star Trek (1993) * Dark Energy (1998) * Cosmological Big Rip (36 Billion) * Quantum Resurrection (> 100 Trillion) * And many more

"Pickover inspires a new generation of da Vincis to build unknown flying machines and create new Mona Lisas."
-- Christian Science Monitor

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Here is a list of all the hot people mentioned in this book.
Here is a list of every insanely mystifying paradox in physics

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Sampling of Images from Book

Explore the colorful mysteries of physics as the adventure unfolds over 1000s of years.

Black Holes
Black Holes
Fermi Paradox
Fermi Paradox
Laplace's Demon
Laplace's Demon
Special Relativity
Special Relativity
Van de Graaff
Van de Graaff
Rouge Waves
Rogue Waves
Vacuum Tube
Vacuum Tube
Archimedes Law
Archimedes Law
Pauli's Exclusion Principle
Pauli's Exclusion

"Bucky Fuller thought big, Arthur C. Clarke thinks big, but Cliff Pickover outdoes them both." -- WIRED

"A perpetual idea machine, Clifford Pickover is one of the most creative, original thinkers in the world today." -- Journal of Recreational Mathematics

Reviews of The Physics Book

Journey with author Clifford Pickover as he traces the 250 most illuminating and curious achievements in physics, the "fundamental science" that explores the very fabric of reality. In addition to odd and perplexing marvels, like the 1965 ultra-bouncy Super Ball, milestones touch on engineering and applied physics, advances in our understanding of astronomical objects, and even a few subjects that are quite philosophical. Extending back billions of years to the Big Bang and forward trillions of years toward "quantum resurrection,"

Pickover's timeline covers such engaging and diverse topics as dark energy, parallel universes, the Doppler effect, Maxwell's demon, and the rings of Saturn. Notable formulas and physics concepts accompany fascinating real-world applications and facts about the world's greatest and most intriguing minds, including Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, and Stephen Hawking. Chronologically organized, each entry consists of a short summary and one or more stunning full-color images, while the "Notes and Further Reading" section provides resources for more in-depth study. As Pickover writes, "physics cultivates a perpetual state of wonder about the limits of thoughts, the workings of the universe, and our place in the vast space-time landscape that we call home."

Clifford A. Pickover is the author of 45 books on such topics as computers and creativity, art, mathematics, black holes, human behavior and intelligence, time travel, alien life, religion, medical mysteries, and science fiction. Pickover is a prolific inventor with over 70 patents, is the associate editor for several journals, and puzzle contributor to magazines geared to children and adults. He received his Ph.D. from Yale University. His web site, Pickover.Com, has received millions of visits.

Follow Dr. Cliff Pickover on Twitter. Return to Pickover's main web page. Information on Pickover's other books.

Book Table of Contents

(Embedded youtubes primarily from the amazing Perimeter Institute)

Setting the Stage

13.7 Billion BC Big Bang
(Big Bang)
3 Billion BC Black Diamonds
2 Billion BC Prehistoric Nuclear Reactor

The Discoveries

30,000 BC Atlatl
20,000 BC Boomerang
5000 BC Sundial
2500 BC Truss
1850 BC Arch
1000 BC Olmec Compass
341 BC Crossbow
250 BC Baghdad Batteries
250 BC Siphon
250 BC Archimedes' Principle of Buoyancy
250 BC Archimedean Screw
230 BC Pulley
240 BC Eratosthenes Measures Earth
212 BC Archimedes' Burning Mirrors

125 BC Antikythera Mechanism
50 Hero's Jet Engine
50 Gears
78 St. Elmo's Fire
1132 Cannon
1150 Perpetual Motion Machines
1200 Trebuchet
1304 Explaining the Rainbow
1338 Hourglass
1543 Sun-Centered Universe
1596 Mysterium Cosmographicum
1600 De Magnete
1608 Telescope
1609 Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
1610 Discovery of Saturn's Rings
1611 Kepler's "Six-Cornered Snowflake"
1620 Triboluminescence
1621 Snell's Law of Refraction
1621 Aurora Borealis
1638 Acceleration of Falling Objects
1643 Barometer
1644 Conservation of Momentum
1660 Hooke's Law of Elasticity
1660 Von Guericke's Electrostatic Generator
1662 Boyle's Gas Law
1665 Micrographia
1669 Amontons Friction
1672 Measuring the Solar System
1672 Newton's Prism
1673 Tautochrone Ramp

1687 Newton's Laws of Motion and Gravitation
(Newton's Laws)
1687 Newton as Inspiration
1711 Tuning Fork
1728 Escape Velocity
1738 Bernoulli's Law of Fluid Dynamics
1744 Leyden Jar
1752 Ben Franklin's Kite
1761 Black Drop Effect
1766 Bode's Law of Planetary Distances
1777 Lichtenberg Figures
1779 Black Eye Galaxy
1783 Black Holes
1785 Coulomb's Law of Electrostatics
1787 Charles's Gas Law
1796 Nebular Hypothesis
1798 Cavendish Weighs Earth
1800 Battery

1801 Wave Nature of Light
(The Infamous Double Slit Experiment)
1802 Henry's Gas Law
1807 Fourier Analysis
1808 Atomic Theory
1811 Avogadro's Gas Law
1814 Fraunhofer Lines
1814 Laplace's Demon
1815 Brewster's Optics
1816 Stethoscope
1822 Fourier's Law of Heat Conduction

1823 Olbers' Paradox
(Olbers' Paradox)
1824 Greenhouse Effect
1824 Carnot Engine
Sadi Carnot

1825 Ampere's Law of Electromagnetism
(Ampere's Law)
1826 Rogue Waves
1827 Ohm's Law of Electricity
1827 Brownian Motion
1829 Graham's Law of Effusion
1831 Faraday's Laws of Induction
1834 Soliton
1835 Gauss and the Magnetic Monopole
1838 Stellar Parallax
1839 Fuel Cell
1840 Poiseuille's Law of Fluid Flow
1840 Joule's Law of Electric Heating
1841 Anniversary Clock
1841 Fiber Optics
1842 Doppler Effect
1843 Conservation of Energy
1844 I-Beams
1845 Kirchhoff's Circuit Laws
1846 Discovery of Neptune
1850 Second Law of Thermodynamics
1850 Ice Slipperiness
1851 Foucault's Pendulum
1851 Stokes' Law of Viscosity
1852 Gyroscope
1852 Stokes Fluorescence
1857 Buys-Ballot's Weather Law
1859 Kinetic Theory
1861 Maxwell's Equations
1864 Electromagnetic Spectrum
1866 Surface Tension
1867 Dynamite
1867 Maxwell's Demon
1868 Discovery of Helium
1870 Baseball Curveball
1871 Rayleigh Scattering
1873 Crookes Radiometer
1875 Boltzmann's Entropy Equation
1878 Incandescent Light Bulb
1879 Plasmas
1879 Hall Effect
1880 Piezoelectric Effect
1880 War Tubas
1882 Galvanometer
1882 Green Flash
1887 Michelson-Morley Experiment
1889 Birth of the Kilogram
1889 Birth of the Meter
1890 Eötvös's Gravitational Gradiometry
1891 Tesla Coil
1892 Thermos
1895 X-rays
1895 Curie's Magnetism Law
1896 Radioactivity
1897 Electron
1898 Mass Spectrometer
1900 Blackbody Radiation Law
1901 Clothoid Loop
1903 Black Light
1903 Tsiolkovsky Rocket Equation
1904 Lorentz Transformation
1905 Special Theory of Relativity

1905 E = mc^2
(E = mc^2)
1905 Photoelectric Effect
1905 Golf Ball Dimples
1905 Third Law of Thermodynamics
1906 Vacuum Tube
1908 Geiger Counter
1909 Bremsstrahlung
1910 Cosmic Rays
1911 Superconductivity
1911 Atomic Nucleus
1911 Karman Vortex Street
1911 Wilson Cloud Chamber
1912 Cepheid Variables Measure Universe
1912 Bragg's Law of Crystal Diffraction

1913 Bohr Atom
(Bohr Atom)
1913 Millikan Oil Drop Experiment

1915 General Theory of Relativity
(General Theory of Relativity)
1919 String Theory
1921 Einstein as Inspiration
1922 Stern-Gerlach Experiment
1923 Neon Signs
1923 Compton Effect
1924 De Broglie Relation

1925 Pauli Exclusion Principle
(Pauli Exclusion Principle)
1926 Schrödinger's Wave Equation
1927 Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
1927 Complementarity Principle
1927 Hypersonic Whipcracking
1928 Dirac Equation
1928 Quantum Tunneling
1929 Hubble's Law of Cosmic Expansion
1929 Cyclotron
1931 White Dwarfs & Chandrasekhar Limit
1931 Jacob's Ladder
1932 Neutron
1932 Antimatter
1933 Dark Matter
1933 Neutron Stars
1934 Cherenkov Radiation
1934 Sonoluminescence
1935 EPR Paradox
1935 Schrödinger's Cat
1937 Superfluids
1938 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
1942 Energy from the Nucleus
1943 Silly Putty
1945 Drinking Bird
1945 Little Boy Atomic Bomb
1946 Stellar Nucleosynthesis
1947 Transistor
1947 Sonic Booms
1947 Hologram
1948 Quantum Electrodynamics
1948 Tensegrity
1948 Casimir Effect

1949 Time Travel
(Time Travel)
1949 Radiocarbon Dating
1950 Fermi Paradox
1954 Solar Cells
1955 Leaning Tower of Lire
1955 Seeing the Single Atom
1955 Atomic Clocks
1956 Parallel Universes
1956 Neutrinos
1956 Tokamak
1958 Integrated Circuit
1959 Dark Side of the Moon
1960 Dyson Sphere
1960 Laser
1960 Terminal Velocity
1961 Anthropic Principle
1961 Standard Model
1962 Electromagnetic Pulse
1963 Chaos Theory
1963 Quasars
1963 Lava Lamp

1964 God Particle (Higgs Boson)

(Higgs Boson)
1964 Quarks
1964 CP Violation
1964 Bell's Theorem
1965 Super Ball
1965 Cosmic Microwave Background
1967 Gamma-Ray Bursts
1967 Living in a Simulation
1967 Tachyons
1967 Newton's Cradle
1967 Metamaterials
1969 Unilluminable Rooms
1971 Supersymmetry
1980 Cosmic Inflation
1981 Quantum Computers
1982 Quasicrystals
1984 Theory of Everything
1985 Buckyballs
1987 Quantum Immortality
1987 Self-Organized Criticality
1988 Wormhole Time Machine
1990 Hubble Telescope
1992 Chronology Protection Conjecture
1993 Quantum Teleportation
1993 Stephen Hawking on Star Trek
1995 Bose-Einstein Condensate
1998 Dark Energy
1999 Randall-Sundrum Branes
1999 Fastest Tornado Speed
2007 HAARP
2008 Blackest Black

2009 Large Hadron Collider
(Large Hadron Collider)

Closing the Curtain

36 Billion Cosmological Big Rip
100 Billion Cosmic Isolation
100 Trillion Universe Fades
> 100 Trillion Quantum Resurrection

Frequenty Asked Questions

  1. You discuss black holes. Can I see a video of a journey into a black hole? Yes.
  2. How can the Universe be infinite if it was all concentrated into a point at the Big Bang? Answer here.
  3. Can you show me a map of all the important subatomic particles in the Standard Model? Yes.
  4. You feature Harvard physicist Lisa Randall. Can I hear her speak? Definitely.
  5. I want to see more of Harvard physicist Lisa Randall. OK, since you insist.
  6. You discuss floating Boltzmann Brains. What's your favorite diagram to understand them? Look here.
  7. Can you show me a larger snapshot of a Boltzmann Brain? My pleasure.
  8. Have Boltzmann Brains appeared in popular culture? Yes, in Hercules comics. And Dilbert comics.
  9. You write enthusiastically of Stephen Hawking on Star Trek. Where can I see this TV segment? Here.
  10. You write about huge "Newton's Cradles" made of bowling balls. Can I see one? Here.
  11. Which "Dr. Kiki" physics shows are your favorites? Here. Here. Here.
  12. What video shows the 100 greatest discoveries in physics? Here.
  13. I want to see 2 androids try to blow my mind with educational talk of bosons & other exotic particles. Ok.
  14. What's the best short video for understanding quantum teleporation? Here.
  15. One-Minute Physics: Is Schrodinger's cat dead or alive?
  16. One-Minute Physics: How the universe appeared from nothing.
  17. One-Minute Physics: What is dark matter?
  18. What is the best science joke on the Big Bang Theory TV show? You probably mean this one dealing with women, ice cream, and quantum mechanics.

The Hot People Discussed in this Book

How many of these great minds do you recognize?

Georges Lemaitre (1894-1966), Edwin Hubble (1889-1953), Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) Francis Perrin (1901-1992) Michael D. Coe (b. 1929), John B. Carlson (b. 1945) Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta (1745-1827) Archimedes (c. 287 BC - c. 212 BC) Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (c. 87 BC- c. 15 BC) Eratosthenes of Cyrene (c. 276 BC- c. 195 BC) Valerios Stais (1857-1923) Hero (or Heron) of Alexandria (c. 10- c. 70 AD), Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (c. 85 BC- c. 15 BC), Ctesibius (c. 285-c. 222 BC) Niccolo Fontana Tartaglia (1500-1557), Han Shizhong (1089-1151) Bhaskara II (1114 - 1185), Richard Phillips Feynman (1918-1988) Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham (965-1039), Kamal al-Din al-Farisi (1267-c. 1320), Theodoric of Freiberg (c. 1250-c. 1310) Ambrogio Lorenzetti (1290-1348) Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) William Gilbert (1544-1603) Hans Lippershey (1570-1619), Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Giovanni Domenico Cassini (1625-1712) Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) Willebrord Snellius (1580-1626) Pierre Gassendi (1592 -1655), Alfred Angot (1848-1924), Olof Petrus Hiorter (1696-1750), Anders Celsius (1701-1744) Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647), Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) Rene Descartes (1596-1650) Robert Hooke (1635-1703), Augustin Louis Cauchy (1789-1857) Otto von Guericke (1602-1686), Robert Jemison Van de Graaff, (1901-1967) Robert Boyle (1627-1691) Guillaume Amontons (1663-1705), Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806) Giovanni Domenico Cassini (1625-1712) Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) John Shore (c. 1662-1752), Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894), Jules Antoine Lissajous (1822-1880), Rudolph Koenig (1832-1901) Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) Pieter van Musschenbroek (1692-1761), Ewald Georg von Kleist (1700-1748), Jean-Antoine Nollet (1700-1770), Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Torbern Olof Bergman (1735-1784), James Cook (1728-1779) Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826), Johann Daniel Titius (1729-1796) Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799) Edward Pigott (1753-1825), Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826), Charles Messier (1730 - 1817) Charles-Augustin Coulomb (1736-1806) Jacques Alexandre Cesar Charles (1746-1823), Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (1778-1850) Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749-1827) Henry Cavendish (1731-1810) Luigi Galvani (1737-1798), Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), Gaston Plante (1834-1889) Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695), Isaac Newton (1642-1727), Thomas Young (1773-1829) William Henry (1775-1836) Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768-1830) John Dalton (1766-1844) Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856) Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787-1826) Pierre-Simon, Marquis de Laplace (1749-1827) David Brewster (1781-1868) Rene-Theophile-Hyacinthe Laennec (1781-1826) Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768-1830) Joseph Fourier (1768-1830), Svante August Arrhenius (1859-1927), John Tyndall (1820 -1893) Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot (1796 -1832) Andre-Marie Ampere (1775-1836), Hans Christian Orsted (1777-1851) Jules Sebastien Cesar Dumont d’Urville (1790-1842) Georg Ohm (1787-1854) Robert Brown (1773-1858), Jean-Baptiste Perrin (1870-1942), Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Thomas Graham (1805-1869) Michael Faraday (1791-1867) Heinrich Wilhelm Matthaus Olbers (1758-1840) John Scott Russell (1808-1882) Freidrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784-1846) William Robert Grove (1811- 1896) Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille (1797-1869) James Prescott Joule (1818-1889) Jean-Daniel Colladon (1802-1893), Charles Kuen Kao (b. 1933), George Alfred Hockham (b. 1938) Christian Andreas Doppler (1803-1853, Christophorus Henricus Diedericus Buys Ballot (1817-1890) Richard Turner (c. 1798-1881), Decimus Burton (1800-1881) Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824-1887) John Couch Adams (1819-1892), Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier (1811-1877), Johann Gottfried Galle (1812-1910) Rudolph Clausius (1822-1888), Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906) Michael Faraday (1791-1867), Gabor A. Somorjai (b. 1935) George Gabriel Stokes (1819-1903) Jean Bernard Leon Foucault (1819-1868), Johann Gottlieb Friedrich von Bohnenberger (1765-1831) Christophorus Henricus Diedericus Buys Ballot (1817-1890) James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (1844-1906) Frederick William Herschel (1738-1822), Johann Wilhelm Ritter (1776-1810), James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894) Lorand von Eotvos (1848-1919) Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1833 -1896) James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), Leon Nicolas Brillouin (1889-1969) Fredrick Ernest Goldsmith (1856-1939), Heinrich Gustav Magnus (1802-1870) John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh (1842-1919) William Crookes (1832-1919) Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (1844-1906) Joseph Wilson Swan (1828-1914), Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) William Crookes (1832-1919) Edwin Herbert Hall (1855-1938), Klaus von Klitzing (b. 1943) Paul-Jacques Curie (1856-1941), Pierre Curie (1859-1906) Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851), Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), Jacques-Arsene d'Arsonval (1851-1940) Jules Gabriel Verne (1828-1905), Daniel Joseph Kelly O'Connell (1896-1982) Albert Abraham Michelson (1852-1931) and Edward Williams Morley (1838-1923) Louis Lefevre-Gineau (1751-1829) Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) James Dewar (1842-1923), Reinhold Burger (1866-1954) Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen (1845-1923), Max von Laue (1879-1960) Abel Niepce de Saint-Victor (1805-1870), Antoine Henri Becquerel (1852-1908), Pierre Curie (1859-1906), Marie Sklodowska Curie (1867-1934), Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937), Frederick Soddy (1877-1956) Joseph John "J. J." Thomson (1856-1940) Wilhelm Wien (1864-1928) Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (1858-1947), Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824-1887) Edwin C. Prescott (1841-1931) Robert Williams Wood (1868-1955) Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935) Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (1853-1928), Walter Kaufmann (1871-1947), Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Robert Adams Paterson (1829-1904) Walther Nernst (1864-1941) Lee De Forest (1873-1961) Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen (1845-1923), Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Arnold Johannes Wilhelm Sommerfeld (1868-1951) Theodor Wulf (1868-1946), Victor Francis Hess (1883-1964) Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (1853-1926), John Bardeen (1908-1991), Karl Alexander Muller (b. 1927), Leon N. Cooper (b. 1930), John Robert Schrieffer (b. 1931), Johannes Georg Bednorz (b. 1950) Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) Henri Benard, (1874-1939), Theodore von Karman (1881-1963) Charles Thomson Rees Wilson (1869-1959), Alexander Langsdorf (1912-1996), Donald Arthur Glaser (b. 1926) Henrietta Swan Leavitt (1868-1921) William Henry Bragg (1862-1942), William Lawrence Bragg (1890-1971) Niels Henrik David Bohr (1885-1962) Robert A. Millikan (1868-1953) Theodor Franz Eduard Kaluza (1885-1954), John Henry Schwarz (b. 1941), Michael Boris Green (b. 1946) Otto Stern (1888-1969), Walter Gerlach (1889-1979) Georges Claude (1870-1960) Louis-Victor-Pierre-Raymond, 7th duc de Broglie (1892-1987); Clinton Joseph Davisson (1881-1958); Lester Halbert Germer (1896-1971) Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (1900-1958) Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrodinger (1887-1961) Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) Niels Henrik David Bohr (1885-1962) Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902-1984) George Gamow (1904-1968), Ronald W. Gurney (1898-1953), Edward Uhler Condon (1902-1974) Edwin Powell Hubble (1889-1953) Ernest Orlando Lawrence (1901-1958) Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995) Kenneth Strickfadden (1896-1984) Sir James Chadwick (1891-1974), Irene Joliot-Curie (1897-1956), Jean Frederic Joliot-Curie (1900-1958) Paul Dirac (1902-1984), Carl Anderson (1905-1991) Fritz Zwicky (1898-1974), Vera Cooper Rubin (b. 1928) Fritz Zwicky (1898-1974), Jocelyn Bell Burnell, (b. 1943), Wilhelm Heinrich Walter Baade (1893-1960) Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm (1895-1971), Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov (1904-1990), Ilya Mikhailovich Frank (1908-1990) Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Boris Podolsky (1896-1966), Nathan Rosen (1909-1995), Alain Aspect (b. 1947), Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrodinger (1887-1961) Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa (1894-1984), Fritz Wolfgang London (1900-1954), John "Jack" Frank Allen (1908-2001), Donald Misener (1911-1996) Isidor Isaac Rabi (1898-1988), Felix Bloch (1905-1983), Edward Mills Purcell (1912-1997), Richard Robert Ernst (b. 1933), Raymond Vahan Damadian (b. 1936) Lise Meitner (1878-1968), Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Leo Szilard (1898-1964), Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), Otto Robert Frisch (1904-1979) Miles V. Sullivan (b. 1917) J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904 -1967), Paul Warfield Tibbets, Jr. (1915-2007) Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) Julius Edgar Lilienfeld (1882-1963) John Bardeen (1908-1991), Walter Houser Brattain (1902-1987), William Bradford Shockley (1910-1989), Charles Elwood "Chuck" Yeager (b. 1923) Dennis Gabor (1900-1979) Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902-1984), Sin-Itiro Tomonaga (1906-1979), Richard Phillips Feynman (1918-1988), Julian Seymour Schwinger (1918-1994) Kenneth Snelson (b. 1927), Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller (1895-1983) Hendrik Brugt Gerhard Casimir (1909-2000), Evgeny Mikhailovich Lifshitz (1915-1985 Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Kurt Godel (1906-1978), Kip Stephen Thorne (b. 1940) Willard Frank Libby (1908-1980) Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), Frank Drake (b. 1930) Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel (1820-1891), Calvin Souther Fuller (1902-1994) Martin Gardner (1914-2010) Max Knoll (1897-1969), Ernst August Friedrich Ruska (1906-1988), Erwin Wilhelm Muller (1911-1977), Albert Victor Crewe (1927-2009) Louis Essen (1908-1997) Hugh Everett III (1930-1982), Max Tegmark (b. 1967) Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (1900-1958), Frederick Reines (1918-1998), Clyde Lorrain Cowan, Jr. (1919-1974) Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm (1895-1971), Lev Andreevich Artsimovich (1909-1973), Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (1921-1989) Jack St. Clair Kilby (1923-2005), Robert Norton Noyce (1927-1990) John Frederick William Herschel (1792-1871), William Alison Anders (b. 1933) William Olaf Stapledon (1886-1950) Freeman John Dyson (b. 1923) Charles Hard Townes (b. 1915), Theodore Harold "Ted" Maiman (1927-2007) Joseph William Kittinger II (b. 1928) Robert Henry Dicke (1916- 1997), Brandon Carter (b. 1942) Murray Gell-Mann (b. 1929), Sheldon Lee Glashow (b. 1932), George Zweig (b. 1937), Jacques Salomon Hadamard (1865-1963), Jules Henri Poincare (1854-1912), Edward Norton Lorenz (1917-2008) Maarten Schmidt (b. 1929) Edward Craven Walker (1918-2000) Robert Brout (b., 1928), Peter Ware Higgs (b. 1929), Francois Englert (b. 1932) Murray Gell-Mann (b. 1929), George Zweig (b. 1937) James Watson Cronin (b. 1931), Val Logsdon Fitch (b. 1923) John Stewart Bell (1928-1990) Arno Allan Penzias (b. 1933), Robert Woodrow Wilson (b. 1936) Paul Ulrich Villard (1860-1934) Konrad Zuse (1910-1995), Edward Fredkin (b. 1934), Stephen Wolfram (b. 1959), Max Tegmark (b. 1967) Gerald Feinberg (1933-1992) Edme Mariotte (c. 1620-1684) Willem Gravesande (1688-1742), Simon Prebble (b. 1942) Victor Georgievich Veselago (b. 1929) Ernst Gabor Straus (1922-1983), Victor L. Klee, Jr. (1925-2007), George Tokarsky (b. 1946) Bruno Zumino (b. 1923), Bunji Sakita (1930-2002), Julius Wess (1934-2007) Alan Harvey Guth (b. 1947) Richard Phillips Feynman (1918-1988), David Elieser Deutsch (b. 1953) Roger Penrose (b. 1931), Dan Shechtman (b. 1941) Michael Boris Green (b. 1946), John Henry Schwarz (b. 1941) Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller (1895-1983), Robert Floyd Curl, Jr. (b. 1933), Harold (Harry) Walter Kroto (b. 1939), Richard Errett Smalley (1943-2005) Hans Moravec (b. 1948), Max Tegmark (b. 1967) Per Bak (1948-2002) Kip Stephen Thorne (b. 1940) Lyman Strong Spitzer, Jr. (1914-1997) Stephen William Hawking (b. 1942) Charles H. Bennett (b. 1943) Stephen William Hawking (b. 1942) Satyendra Nath Bose (1894-1974), Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Eric Allin Cornell (b. 1961), Carl Edwin Wieman (b. 1951) Lisa Randall (b. 1962), Raman Sundrum (b. 1964) Joshua Michael Aaron Ryder Wurman (b. October 1, 1960) Oliver Heaviside (1850-1925), Arthur Edwin Kennelly (1861-1939), Marchese Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) Robert R. Caldwell (b. 1965) Clive Staples "Jack" Lewis (1898-1963), Gerrit L. Verschuur (b. 1937), Lawrence M. Krauss (b. 1954) Fred Adams (b. 1961), Stephen William Hawking (b. 1942) Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (1844-1906)

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