The Official Russian Mystery Card Appreciation Page

The Official Russian Mystery Card Appreciation Page

by Cliff Pickover, Reality Carnival

The mysterious Russian card shown below has caused international debate.

The scene is said to have been painted by a person with a rare mental disorder. One psychiatry professor discovered a feature in this eerie painting that reveals the patient's disorder, but today we are not sure what feature holds the key to solving the mystery.

One respondent at the famous Metafilter site on the subject remarks: "All the children on the sleighs are staring quietly at the painter, while the sleighs seem to be carrying on at full speed. I find that absolutely horrifying."

For more information, see Russian Psychoanalytic Art Mystery, as well as Could this be the new Da Vinci code?

For more on the Russian psychedlic scene, click here. You can also learn more about the Russian Psychoanalytic Art Mystery at this site: What is the insane mystery of this painting? and see a larger version here.

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