Alien Outlooks by Cliff Pickover

Alien Outlooks by Cliff Pickover

An alien might ask us a strange question in logic. What would be your response to the following? An alien comes to you and says, "Answer this question with 'yes' or 'no'": Will your next word be 'no'?"

Do not click here if you wish to remain sane.

You may enjoy several of my books that ask these kinds of questions, including:
1) Dreaming the Future,
2) The Paradox of God,
3) The Science of Aliens,
4) A Passion for Mathematics: Numbers, Puzzles, Madness, Religion, and the Quest for Reality

Return to my home page which includes the Wishing Project cataloging wishes from various cultures, computer art, educational puzzles, fractals, virtual caverns, JAVA/VRML, alien creatures, black hole artwork, and animations.